Being asked to Imagine Rotary can seem like a big, heady exercise, but the most important element of it is something quite small, even personal.
Not too long ago, Rotary members were expected to perform our acts of service quietly. I understood and appreciated the thought behind that — humility is a wonderful trait, and we should continue to nurture it in other ways.
But keeping Rotary to ourselves has a cost. and by sharing our Rotary moments, we are being generous with others and giving them an opportunity to understand the impact of Rotary.
It brings to mind that wonderful aphorism: “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.”
So how do we make people feel Rotary? The best way is to share our Rotary moments. We have all had them — when the ordinary collides with intention to create something extraordinary.
Some people have those Rotary moments the first time they go to a meeting. For others, it can take years, before seeing the joy in the eyes of someone we serve. Or perhaps in hearing from another member something that hit close to home.
As Nick and I share this journey, we are amazed at the work you are performing and the lives that are transforming. Throughout the year, I’m going to share with you the sights and the stories that made those tours meaningful for us.
I hope you can do the same in your corner of Rotary. It can be something you share in meetings or on social media. For the most savvy and ambitious, it could be an event you publicize with local media. Even sharing your stories with friends has impact.
We need ambassadors for Rotary’s message and our dreams for a better world. The best ambassadors are you. The more you share stories — and share them from the heart — the more you encourage others to partner with us, to join us, and to stay.
To give you just one small example, in the months ahead, I will be turning over this column to Rotary members who will share their personal stories as they relate to diversity, equity, and inclusion in our organization. It’s important that we hear these stories directly from the people who experienced them as a way of feeling the importance of DEI for the future of Rotary.
In everything we do, what people feel about Rotary will shape our future. I can only imagine what you will inspire through the stories you’ll tell.
The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.
Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.
With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world.
Giving Tuesday
We need your help to raise funds and awareness for The Rotary Foundation this GIVING TUESDAY, November 29, 2022. This Global Day of Generosity is an opportunity for all Rotary members to make a big impact with a gift of any size to our 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐝-𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐄. Last year, we raised more than ever before — over US$1 million! We’re asking you to help us surpass that this year so that we can do even more good together.
Christmas can be a lonely time for the residents in long term care facilities. Our Edmonton West Daytimers, John, Lorne and Al hung Christmas lights and decorations outside the home. This will add some festive cheer and sparkle to the Christmas season and lift their spirits.
Sleep In Heavenly Peace
Sleep in Heavenly Peace believes that all children deserve a safe, comfortable place to lay their heads. They are a group of volunteers dedicated to building, assembling and delivering top-notch bunk beds to children and families in need.
After building 35 bed kits with Rotarian and Rotaract volunteers from District 5370 at the work bee on October 22nd, it was now time to deliver the beds. Edmonton West Rotarians spent the morning learning how to assemble the beds we were going to deliver.
Delivery training completed!!! Then the teams headed out on a wintery Saturday to deliver the beds to the clients. The Edmonton West team had the privilege of delivering bunk beds and bedding to a newly arrived family from the Ukraine. The children loved the beds and the beautifully made quilts from Karen Sanderson and her St. Albert Quilting Group.
Edmonton West Gives a Helping Hand
Edmonton West Rotarians gave from the heart. When we delivered the 'Sleep in Heavenly Peace' bunkbeds and bedding to the children of the newly arrived Ukrainian family we noticed that the only thing in the apartment was the bunkbeds. As Rotarians we provide a helping hand wherever we are needed. Edmonton West Rotarians did just that, and when the request went out for donations you responded generously.
Thank you to Lynn Skillen for donating a double bed for the parents. Not only that, she lovingly provided all of the bedding as well. Lorne, Doug and Spencer did a great job of getting it out of the basement and onto the truck. A big thank you to Lorne for always volunteering his time and his truck. We couldn't have done it without you.
In Lorne's truck there was a Christmas Tree for the family donated by Fred's daughter, Andrea. She also sent the family a lovely card with a very generous gift certificate to Superstore. Thank you for being so thoughtful.
My car was full to the brim with lots of donations. Thank you to Jackie and Wayne who donated a box of school supplies and games. This will be useful for Nikolas and Roseline will start at their new school next week. Jackie also sent a suitcase packed with women's sweaters and jackets for Yuliia and a lovely Christmas village and decorations. Thank you for donating all of those items and for your monetary donation, the delicious crumble pie and Roseline loved the twizzlers.
Doug and Diane also had a car full of donations. Their daughter Rachele provided a kids table, two chairs, kids clothing and toys. The children were thrilled to have something to play with and your donations were much appreciated.
Ingrid went shopping and bought warm coats for Nikolas and Roseline. She stopped by the apartment with the coats and they fit perfectly. She also brought a special gift of four books, which they loved. Thanks Ingrid, the kids look fabulous!
Spencer and I bought the children backpacks for school, filled with colouring books, markers, a pencil case and a game. Now they are all set for school. We also gave them a toaster and a T.V. Lorne will be donating a T.V stand to put it on. Thanks Lorne!
Spencer thought it was important to make sure that Olu becomes a loyal Oilers fan, now they are living in Edmonton.
Al and Karen Sanderson, with the help of their daughter Natalie, will be filling in the gaps with their donations of winter clothing and boots. They are also on the hunt for kitchen supplies, a dresser, adult clothes and a few more kids toys. You guys are awesome.
All of these gifts were generously given and humbly and gratefully received. The family were only expecting the bed, and were overwhelmed with all of the donations. I received a text from Olu that said, "Thank you for your help today. We are really grateful. A big thanks to the Rotary Club. You guys are amazing people. We love you. We will pass your kindness onto others. Whenever you need our help, do not hesitate to call us. Thank you so much."
Their focus now is to find work. They are willing to do anything. Yuliia, as a Pediatrician, will be preparing for the exams she needs to pass in order to practice in Canada. One is English Proficiency and the other is Medical. We wish her luck. We definitely need more Doctors!
Olu and Yuliia will be our special guests at the Rotary Christmas Lunch on December 12. They would appreciate the opportunity to thank the club in person. And us in turn we can give them a Edmonton West Welcome to Canada.
Since then we have received more donations from our generous members, friends and family. They now have clothing, toys, kitchen items, a table and monetary donations.
Rotary has a huge impact around the world, but all of you have made a huge impact on this family. Thank you!
Edmonton Food Bank
Edmonton West Rotarians and MacEwan Rotaractors had a busy night volunteering at the Food Bank. Every month the Food Bank serve over 30,000 individuals and food for nearly 350,000 meals and snacks to more than 300 agencies, schools, churches and food depots. We are proud to help this amazing organization.
Stuff A Van
Rotary District 5370 held a bedding drive at Kingsway Mall on Saturday November 19. Edmonton West and MacEwan Rotaract members volunteered to help "Stuff the Van". We got a number of sheets, pillows, blankets and comforters. Thank you to Vicky Grabb for your donation and to Al for dropping off more quilts made by Karen and her team. In addition to the bedding we collected $1335.00 in donations.
We are continuing the bedding drive for the Ukrainian Refugees who have been displaced by the war. If you are attending the District Assembly please consider bringing NEW pillows, sheets or comforters/quilts. There will be a booth set up in the House of Friendship.
After hosting a very successful event in 2022 we are confident that next years golf tournament will be even better. Thanks to the golf committee and all the volunteers who worked so hard. I know you are all can I help!
Committee Members: If you would like to be on the committee and help to organize the tournament, there is always room for more members.
Golfers: Talk to friends and colleagues, save the date and enter a foursome.
Auction Items: It's never too early to collect auction items. Maybe there is something under the tree this Christmas that you would like to regift...haha.
Sponsors: Do you know an individual or a company that would like to be a sponsor?
Wine: We will be asking each member to donate 2 nice bottles of wine for the wine tree. ($25 and up)
Volunteers: Volunteer on the day of the tournament to help with many of the tasks that need to be done to make sure the fundraiser is a success.
These are a few things that you can think about. More details will be provided in the new year. If you would like to be on the committee please reach out to Spencer. 780-907-5037 or
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Alastair Sanderson
November 1
Lorne Proctor
November 9
Bryan Gouthro
November 19
Carol Lund
November 29
Joseph Lizotte
December 16
Mike Ryan
December 25
Spouse Birthdays
November 17
Wayne Hobal
November 24
Join Date
Ed Schultz
November 1, 1995
27 years
Jigo George
November 7, 2014
8 years
Douglas Sollows
November 22, 1998
24 years
Ann Orsini
December 1, 1991
31 years
J P Poirier
December 11, 2017
5 years
Anthony Lazaruk
December 19, 2014
8 years
A Prestigious Award
Congratulations to Vicky Grabb on receiving the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal. It was awarded by Her Honour, the Honourable Salma Lakhani, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, for services as President of the Canadian Club of Edmonton and in recognition of her many years of service to Rotary International.
Vicky said that the ceremony was both formal and warm and welcoming, with recipients congratulating each other and Her Honour chatting with everyone at the reception afterwards.
Let's Get Together
Monday December 12 at 12:00
Tis' the season to celebrate with all Rotarians. Join your fellow Rotarians for a Holly, Jolly Christmas lunch.